Pick Your Plan

1st - Which type of plan​ is right for you?

Provider Plans

These are for Organizations that have the need to Exclusion Screen their employees, contracted providers, and vendors on a regular basis. Most of the individuals being screened will be the same each month with some new additions, and deletions, and the need to perform pre-employment exclusion screening on candidates.
(may require NPI)


Transaction Plans

If you’re not a Provider organization, or your Screening requirements are individuals, contractors, or vendors that change frequently, or are not your employees/contractors, then you’ll benefit from our Transaction Plans. These plans have no limit on the individuals/contractors/vendors you screen monthly, but are based on number of transactions monthly where one transaction is a single verification/screening of one individual against one exclusion list.


Enterprise Plans

If you need, or want help performing the Exclusion Screening Function, or if you want us to do all of it for you, then our Enterprise Plans are right for you.

Self Service, Full Service, High Volume, Research Assistance & a Free Tier
Healthcare Providers, Service Providers, Legal Firms, Search Firms, & more!

Pick Your Provider Plan

These plans are for Organizations that have the need to Exclusion Screen their employees, contracted providers, and vendors on a regular basis. Most of the individuals being screened will be the same each month with some new additions, and deletions, and the need to perform pre-employment exclusion screening on candidates.

All New Subscribers start with a 15 Day FREE TRIAL

Tier 1


Up to 40 Providers
Unlimited Transactions


Tier 3


Up to 115 Providers
Unlimited Transactions


Tier 5


Up to 370 Providers
Unlimited Transactions


Tier 7


Up to 925 Providers
Unlimited Transactions

  • A Provider is any individual, business, or contractor you need to screen.
  • A Transaction is a single verification/screening of one provider against one exclusion list.

All plans include the following features:

  • Individual Lookups at any time for New Hires, Prospective Vendors, due diligence work on matches
  • Batch Run Reports, auto-scheduled or on-demand. 
  • Scheduled Reports run unassisted and notify you when ready
  • My Groups feature allows separating providers into groups to allow for more efficient screening batches.
  • Access to all lists in the system including Federal, State, and Special Lists.
  • Reports remain online forever for instant look back for audits, surveys, etc.
  • System Availability via the Internet 24 X 7 X 365
  • Cancel Anytime, No Questions asked
Self Service, Full Service, High Volume, Research Assistance & a Free Tier
Healthcare Providers, Service Providers, Legal Firms, Search Firms, & more!

Pick Your Transaction Plan

If your Screening requirements are for individuals/contractors/vendors that change frequently, or you require high volume, then you’ll benefit from our Transaction Plans. These plans have no limit on the individuals/contractors/vendors you screen monthly, but are based on number of transactions monthly.

All New Subscribers start with a 15 Day FREE TRIAL

The 700 Plan


Up to 680 monthly transactions

Unlimited Providers


The 2200 Plan


Up to 2200 monthly transactions

Unlimited Providers


The 5500 Plan


Up to 5500 monthly transactions

Unlimited Providers


The 11000 Plan


Up to 10900 monthly transactions

Unlimited Providers


Unlimited Plan


Unlimited Transactions

Unlimited Providers

  • A Provider is any individual, business, or contractor you need to screen.
  • A Transaction is a single verification/screening of one provider against one exclusion list.